Thursday, January 29, 2009

Catastrphic Events project
Savannah Hansen

1.World Book Online: published by World Book: Date 2009-encyclopedia

2.Earth Science: unknown auther: published by Magraw-Hill Compinies:Date 2002-book

3. : Date 1-28-09-internet

4.Encylopedia Americana: publisher Encyclpedia Americana Incorperated: Date 2000 Vol. 21 Pg 365-encyclopedia

5. : Date 1-29-09-internet
A book by the man who dicovered Pangaea that you could check out is The Origin Of Continents And Oceans-by Alfred Wegener
General Info

Where: Earth

When: Over 200 million years ago.

Why: Tectonic Plates moved and split the supercontinent that soon moved to thier present day positions.

(movment of the continents, right)
Impact On Environment

When the continents split the animals to rome on.

Some land moved near to the Equator and got warmer. Or they, like Antarctica, moved to the bottem of the earth an got colder. So where ever parts of the land went plants and animals had to adapt.


Alfred Wegener

Clues About Pangaea

Fossils of plants and animals such as, Kannemeyerid, Mesosaurus, Labyrinthodont, (prehistoric animals) and the Glossoptelis (prehistoric plant) found on many different continents. Also mounten ranges that match up in age and substance are on different continents. Lastly the continents look like they fit together.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Alfred Wegener (1880-1930)
Alfred Wegener was a German mederologist. He discovered Pangaea and anounced it in 1912. Wegener beleved that the super continent existed 225 million years ago and broke apart 200 million years ago. They slowly moved to their present day positions. He cut out all the continents and put them together like a jiggsaw puzzle. Other scientists refused the idea, but soon agreed.

Vanna's Pangaea

10 Important Facts

1.When all the continents were one.
2.Alfred Wegener discovered it.
3.Existed about 225 million years ago.
4.Broke apart about 200 million years ago.
5.Wegener told everyone in 1912.
6.Continents look like they fit together.
7.Plant and animal fossles that are the same are on Africa and in South America.
8.Mounten ranges that are on the edge of the continents that are the same match up.
9.Scientists used to think th continents were stable.
10.The Greek word for all earth or all land.